Investment Approach

Investing Where the Industry is Heading Next

Taconic Capital pursues an event-driven, multi-strategy investment approach designed to generate strong, risk-adjusted returns over multiple market cycles. We specialize in finding opportunity in market complexity, dislocation, and inefficiency. Strategies include opportunistic credit, merger arbitrage, catalyst-driven equities, and real estate, as well as a co-investment platform.

Our approach is dynamic and creative by nature. We see the forest for the trees, offering investors compelling opportunities different from the mainstream. We are stewards of our clients’ capital, always holding their interests as our highest priority.

Integrated Risk Management

Rigorous risk protocols, high ethical standards, and a clear focus on margin of safety distinguish our approach to our investment process, as well as our business operations. Decades of experience give us the ability and foresight to refine and strengthen our risk protocols and stress tests continuously.

As a fiduciary, Taconic puts the interests of its clients above the interests of the firm and its employees. Taconic recognizes that integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) factors is fundamental to meeting its fiduciary duty. Accordingly, Taconic may, to the extent it deems appropriate and consistent with the fiduciary duty it owes to each client, take relevant ESG factors into consideration in its investment process. Taconic takes a “best efforts” approach to assessing the materiality of ESG risks in its consideration of prospective investments and throughout the investment lifecycle.